Central Goods & Services Tax Commissionerate Jodhpur is one of the 4 executive Commissionerates working under the jurisdiction of office of the Chief Commissioner, Central Goods & Services Tax, (Jaipur Zone) Jaipur headed by Chief Commissioner. Office of the Central Goods & Services Tax Commissionerate Jodhpur is headed by the Principal Commissioner/Commissioner. Jurisdiction of the Commissionerate Jodhpur is spread across the entire geographical area of the District of Jodhpur, Pali,Barmer, Jaisalmer, Nagaur, Sirohi, Jalore, Bikaner,Churu, Hanumangarh and Sriganganagar, State of Rajasthan. For collection of Revenue and administrative convenience Jurisdiction of the Commissionerate is further divided into 9 Central Goods & Services Tax Divisions, which are being headed by the Deputy/Assistant Commissioner. Further, jurisdiction of these 9 Divisions is divided into 39 Ranges, headed by the Superintendent.